The Christmas Fair
Sunday 3rd Dec 11am-3pm
Come down and join us in the indoor arena for some festive fun and get your Christmas shopping done at the same time! We have lots of wonderful Christmas gifts, human showjumping, raffles, baking and cakes for sale, face painting, delicious hot soup and much more! All proceeds go to the Drum RDA.
Free entry on foot. Parking is £2 per car
List of Stallholders
Dodger Jam Raven Botanicals Edinpets
Half Baked Kitchen Lottie Longman Flowers
Rosie Hay Ceramics Label Lady Beech & Birch
Carfrae Farmshop Fire & Ice Gifts
Natural Little Bee Skincare Hairy Wee Monkey
Annette Smith 101 Bakery Olive Clothing
Can to Candle Tisan Jewellery
Chloe Gardner Art Inntinn- Bespoke Woodwork
Sheila Barnett Carfrae Farmshop Totally Scented